


I'm a Project Manager

With the brain of a developer, the heart of a designer, and the speech of a diplomat.
It's so nice to meet you 🚀

About .

🔬 Molecular Biologist with a Tech Twist 🚀

I bring a data-driven mindset honed through my academic background in Molecular Biology and Genetics. My journey has equipped me with a unique perspective on problem-solving, analytical thinking, and a profound appreciation for detail. Aspiring to be a Product Manager, I leverage my scientific foundation to approach challenges systematically and innovate solutions.

🧬 Science and Technology Enthusiast 🌐

Beyond the realm of science, my curiosity extends into the dynamic worlds of web development and data science. My foundational knowledge in data science and computer science, coupled with hands-on experience in front-end development projects, equips me to collaborate seamlessly with developers and engineers, translating ideas into technical realities.

🎨 Illuminating Design 🧑‍🎨

Embracing the heart of a designer, I've immersed myself in various projects as a lighting designer. This experience not only instilled in me the fundamentals of design but also honed my strategic thinking. In fast-paced, high-stress environments, I thrived, analyzing situations on the fly to define goals and deliver impactful designs with precision and creativity. Adaptability and a knack for quick decision-making have become my allies in the face of constant change and challenges.
🎭 Leader on and off the Stage 🎶

But wait, there's more to me than just science and tech! I've taken center stage in musical productions, steering the ship in leadership roles. The stage has not only been my creative outlet but a platform to refine my leadership skills, fostering collaboration and creativity. This journey has amplified my passion for teamwork and polished my communication skills, ensuring successful collaborations with diverse teams.

💡 Passionate Project Enthusiast 🌟

Here's the real crescendo: I am thrilled and absolutely bursting with excitement to be a Project Manager. My heart lies in technology and product development, and the prospect of working with a collaborative team to create products from inception to completion sends shivers down my scientific spine. It's not just a job for me; it's a thrilling journey of turning ideas into tangible, impactful solutions. I am ready to channel my diverse skills, from the analytical mindset forged in molecular sciences to the creative flair of a designer, to drive innovation and shape the future of products that make a real difference.

My Links

Projects .

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Front-End Web App

I spearheaded an impactful 8-week web app development project, showcasing my versatility as both a Scrum Master and a Front-End Developer. Applying Scrum methodologies, I took the lead in planning sprints, defining clear goals, and assigning tasks. As the Scrum Master, I mentored team members, ensuring their well-being and fostering a collaborative environment. Daily stand-ups became a cornerstone, keeping the team focused, informed, and proactive in addressing challenges. I actively engaged in pair programming, collaborated on problem-solving, and developed reusable components to enhance code efficiency. It was a dynamic journey where teamwork and effective leadership converged to bring our vision to fruition.

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PM Case Study

As part of the application process for the Product Manager position for a playable add startup, I successfully completed a one-day case study. Task 1 involved selecting a non-gaming brand, outlining a strategy for the brand to onboard the company using playable ads. Task 2 focused on designing a playable ad experience, including concept creation and wireframe development. For Task 3, I evaluated existing playable ads of the company, proposing critical improvements. In Task 4, I identified potential enhancements for one of the companies product, proposing a strategic plan within the tight timeframe. This case study showcases my rapid strategic thinking and ability to deliver impactful insights under time constraints.

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Movie APP

A project to develop skills in data fetching and pre-rendering in NextJS. Used TMBD data base to search for thousands of movies and tv series. The project make API requests and retrieve data from external APIs. Used NextJs' internal dynamic routing systems including catch-all-routes and conditional rendering.

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Progress Tracker

The Progress Tracker Web App is a product born out of a desire to aid individuals on their journey towards mastery. Inspired by the 10,000-hour rule, this simple yet effective tool allows users to start, pause, resume, and reset a timer with ease, making it an invaluable companion for tracking progress during practice or study sessions. What sets this app apart is its commitment to preserving your progress; even if you close the page, your session data will be waiting for you when you return, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted path to becoming a master. Built using only vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Sass, it combines simplicity and functionality, making it the perfect partner for anyone looking to hone their skills.


Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin if that's more your speed.

Let's create something extraordinary together, shaping the future one product at a time!
